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medical cannabis consultation | Medical Cannabis coaching

Let's Get You Started on the Right Path


So many people suffer needlessly from anxiety, depression, insomnia, pain, migraines, IBS, fibromyalgia and more. Or, they're taking prescription drugs with horrible side effects, and they want to try an all-natural alternative.


But how?


The cannabis world is huge and confusing. It's hard to find quality information about using this plant for health and wellness, not just for getting high as a kite. And because there is such a huge variation in all the different types of cannabis and ways to take it, it's overwhelming to try to find the right product.


I understand. That's why I created The Cannabis Consultation.


What do you get?


We start with a 30-minute phone conversation. (That's right, no need to leave the house!) I'll be asking lots of questions so that I can create your personalized Cannabis Guide. It will have specific recommendations for strains, doses, and ingestion methods that are tailored just for you and your lifestyle. I'll answer all your questions and we'll make sure you're taking cannabis in a way that you're comfortable with. 


Within a day of our call, you'll receive your Guide. It outlines everything we discussed on the phone. You'll know exactly what to order and how much to start with so you skip the expensive trial and error process of taking too much (or too little) or buying products that don't meet your needs. The Guide also outlines how to microdose (taking very small doses of cannabis), and how to know when it's time to increase or decrease your dose.


Over the following month, you have full access to me via email. It's like having a Cannabis Coach in your back pocket.


By the end of our time together, the goal is that you'll be feeling fantastic. You'll also be armed with the tools and knowledge to continue improving your health and happiness with cannabis. ​


Your investment?  $150 Canadian


*Remember, I'm not a doctor or any sort of health professional. The goal is to educate you so you can make informed choices about your cannabis use.





Julie F.

Andrea is an excellent cannabis coach!  I am so glad I chose to work with her to use cannabis oil for my chronic insomnia.  It was too confusing and scary to go it alone.  She was a great cheerleader and gave me excellent guidance and information.  I'm happy to say that I'm sleeping again! I love cannabis! If you need someone to help you through the confusing and often misunderstood world of cannabis, Andrea is your girl! 

Lisa G.

I am finally sleeping well after working with Andrea and using cannabis! In the last 3 years, I went to 7 doctors to help me sleep, and NOTHING worked UNTIL I chose to consult with Andrea. I had experimented with CBD (and a few times THC), but with Andrea, she was able to help me choose the right cannabis strain, dose, and application (oil) to make me sleep well all through the night. I was waking up 5-8 times in the night and now I only wake 2-3 times briefly and am sleeping 8 hours every night. It really is amazing when getting good sleep - my mood is so much better the next day. I love the recipes Andrea gave me to make my own (and more-economical) cannabis oil. Andrea was professional, warm, and friendly, and I'm happy with using her. With one month consultation, she'd email me daily and make suggestions for me on a personal and professional level. She'd even look at the online menu for local dispensaries to see what products/cannabis strains I could get in my area. Highly recommend her services!

Lisa M.

Originally when I considered doing the Cannabis Consultation with Andrea I was concerned about the stigma associated with Cannabis use. I also wondered about the cost.

I soon realized my health was more important. Andrea is very supportive and knowledgeable. In many ways, I look back and realize how much more this consultation has done vs all my trips to doctors and specialists. 

With the aid of reduced medication and the knowledge I have gained with cannabis I am pleased to say I am 2 months seizure-free, my chronic migraines are far and few between. And if that's not amazing enough my fibromyalgia flare-ups are greatly reduced! Less pain, more energy, great sleep, improved mood. All positives. (Update: Lisa now has her drivers license (and her freedom) back!)


questions about Cannabis

Where do we meet?


The Cannabis Consultation is done over the phone. That means you can stay in your PJs!


I really hate the idea of smoking a joint. Do you have to smoke it?

No! There are so many other, healthier ways to use cannabis, and we'll discuss which one(s) work best for you


I don’t want to be ‘stoned’ or ‘high’. Do I have to be?


No! I’ll teach you how to find the perfect ratios of THC and/or CBD so you get all the potential health benefits and none of the high.


Do you provide me with cannabis?

No, but I do make specific recommendations for you based on your health concerns and lifestyle and what you have access to.


I live in a place where cannabis isn't yet legal and I don't have a medical recommendation. Can you help me?


First of all, let me just say I'm so grateful to live in Canada where it's now completely legal to use cannabis for both medical and recreational purposes. It is exciting to watch as people are changing their lives using a plant that humans have been using for thousands of years. As for your question though, I can only work with people who are living in places where it is legal. You're welcome to dig deep on my Facebook page, Instagram​ feed or YouTube channel. I post about using cannabis for health and wellness there. Unfortunately, I am not able to work with you or give you personalized recommendations. 


I want MY Cannabis Consultation. What do I do?


Just click here to book your spot!


I’ve got questions, how do I contact you?


I’m only an email away and will get back to you quickly. Reach out at

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