Ready to talk to your kids and teens about cannabis,
How to Talk to Your Children About Cannabis is a powerful, science-backed online class that gives you everything you need to have honest, balanced conversations about cannabis with your kids and teens.
Are you unsure of how to talk to your kids and teens about cannabis?
You’re not alone.
You want to open up and have age-appropriate, science-informed conversations with your kids about cannabis.
You want to help your children understand that cannabis isn’t a gateway drug but a powerful medicine. But we can’t ignore the downsides - especially for the developing brain.
Talking with kids and teenagers can be hard for parents, teachers, and medical professionals alike.
That's because there are many challenges:
You worry that talking about the subject could lead to drug experimentation or perceived acceptance of cannabis use.
You want kids and teens to have the facts, but there is so much conflicting information out there.
You may worry that you’ll give your children the wrong information or send confusing messages about the plant.
Explaining cannabis to a 7-year-old is different than explaining it to a 17-year-old.
It’s hard to deliver information that could keep children safe in a way that doesn’t make you sound like the D.A.R.E. program.
There is a stigma associated with cannabis use that further complicates conversations on the subject.
But we HAVE to talk to our children about this plant for so many reasons.
Maybe you're a cannabis user, and you're concerned about what your children know and think about your use.
Maybe your child needs cannabis as a medicine, but you don't know how to explain it.
Maybe you're nervous that your teen is misusing cannabis.
Maybe you know that talking with your kids about all the tough subjects is the right thing to do, but you need a guide to navigate the cannabis conversation.
The fact is, as legalization sweeps the globe, more and more children will have knowledge about and access to cannabis.
Plus, over the past 10 years, so many new products and ways to consume cannabis have been released on the market, and they are not all safe for adults and children alike.
As parents, it is our job to explain it in a way that makes sense.
But HOW?
After all, the information out there on the internet is conflicting, confusing, and often not helpful.
We know fear-mongering doesn't work and schools certainly aren't teaching all the facts about the plant.
We can help.

Kelly and I are both trained teachers and cannabis educators. But we are also parents, and we've had "the conversation" with our children. Actually, many conversations.
And these conversations are more important now than ever as our kids have more access to cannabis (and some pretty scary cannabis products) than ever before.
You don’t want to lie to them about the dangers of cannabis - like you were lied to - but you don’t want to give the impression that “it’s all good.” We know firsthand that walking that line is challenging. Like many complex topics we want to explain to our kids, it’s not just a one-and-done conversation.
Thankfully, you don’t have to worry about what to say, how to say it, or when.
We've taken our combined 25 of experience and resources and have created an online class that will arm you with our best tools and tips for talking to your kids and teens about cannabis.
​You don’t need to know anything about cannabis or have unlimited time. It will only take you an hour to watch the videos, and then you can dig through the extensive Resource Guide, which is packed full of tips, books, websites, cannabis physician services, and more. We even give you conversation prompts tailored for different developmental stages so you have what you need no matter the age of your children.

In this comprehensive online class, you’ll receive guidance on teaching children and teenagers about cannabis.
You’ll have a clear understanding of
the cannabis plant from a science-informed perspective
this plant’s role as a medicine for kids and adults
cannabis’ effects on young people’s development
harm-reduction strategies for teens already using cannabis
how to have the conversation with your child
You will feel more confident about having this conversation with kids, teens, and even other parents.
Your children will feel safe discussing these issues with you because of your newfound knowledge and abilities to communicate them effectively.
In fact, some of our lessons are designed to be watched by the whole family, so you can let us do the heavy lifting.
What's Included In The How to Talk To Your Children About Cannabis Online Class?:
What's in the Class?
Overview of Why and How Cannabis Works in the Body, Cannabis as Medicine, Stigma, And Why This is So Important
Talking to Your Young Children About Cannabis
Talking to Your Teens and Young Adults About Cannabis
Part 1: Cannabis and Talking To Your Kids About It
You'll get a full understanding of the cannabis plant and what it does for us. Learn about the potential benefits and drawbacks of this plant medicine. Discover the conditions it can be helpful for and the various components like THC, CBD and more.
Learn about
the laws surrounding child medical cannabis and CBD use
how to keep your cannabis out of little hands (and away from snooping teens)
when is the ideal age to talk to your children about this
and more.
We'll also discuss the safety of consuming cannabis as a pregnant or nursing mother.
Part 2: Talking to Your Young Children About Cannabis
There are many special considerations when talking to young kids about this plant. Especially if you're living in a prohibition place, it may put you and your family in danger. Beyond that, we give you scripts of ways to start the conversation.
Part 3: Talking to Your Teens and Young Adults About Cannabis
Arguably, this group needs the most information about the plant. Many teens are using cannabis, and most of them are not well-informed about what that can mean for them long-term. You'll get scripts to help with the conversation and lots of safety and harm-reduction techniques you can share with them.
Check out the free Bonuses!

That's not all!
You'll also get a free copy of the e-book, The Smelliest Flower in the Garden, which is a great way to help younger kids understand that cannabis can be medicine.
Plus, your Resource Guide is packed full of additional books, websites, cannabis-physician locators, scientific articles, and more.
​When you're done with our class, you'll be able to confidently have impactful, science-backed, non-stigmatized conversations with your children about cannabis.
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